AP-FAST Regional Workshop: Building National and Local Capacity on Measuring SETI for SDGs in the Asia Pacific Region

AP-FAST Regional Workshop: Building National and Local Capacity on Measuring SETI for SDGs in the Asia Pacific Region

The overall goal of the regional workshop on Building National and Local Capacity on Measuring SETI for SDGs in the Asia-Pacific Region is to introduce and promote the APFAST Scorecard on Science, Engineering, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals.

This Scorecard will provide better platform to monitor and evaluate progress on role of science in achieving the SDGs as well as to help to guide on how to incorporate SETI in their SDG related programme, projects, and activities. More specific objectives would focus on:

Guiding and tutoring national representatives on the use of SETI for SDG Scorecard developed under the APFAST project.
Developing plan and activities at national and local level to use the SETI for SDG Scorecard to measure the SETI for SDG activities to contribute to national reporting on SDGs achievement and progress.

When: 17-19 June 2019
Where: Jakarta, Indonesia

The adoption by the United Nations Summit of September 2015 in New York of the new Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the reflect of the future challenges and opportunities that all regions of the world and most specifically, the Asia and the Pacific region should work for their successful implementation, across the fundamental pillars of UNESCO work on peace and sustainable development.

All 17 SDGs and 169 targets are universal for global partnership of sustainable development and calls for action by all countries as part of their inclusive economic growth and social development while protecting the earth. With the adoption Agenda 2030, the necessity for policy makers in Asia and the Pacific to follow the processes in relation to sustainability demands common efforts for management and integrated action for development.

The project Asia-Pacific Facility for Accelerating Science and Technology (AP-FAST) aims as a major tool to address the Science and Technology challenges that governments of Asia and the Pacific region may be facing in implementing the 17 SDGs and related targets defined in the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

It recognizes the need to mobilize science, engineering, technology and innovation (SETI) at multiple levels and across disciplines to gather or create the necessary knowledge and thus, lay the foundations for practices to address global challenges today and in the future.

UNESCO Office Jakarta, as a regional bureau for science in the Asia and the Pacific has been working on positioning the global development agenda at the highest level In Asia and the Pacific. AP-FAST project has been implemented to assist enable the global agenda achievement and associated targets in regional and national level and boost coherence between national and global development plans.

These activities and actions have helped to build a good network of resource persons and institutions in different areas falling in the mandate of UNESCO, enabling the development of the AP-FAST Scorecard on SETI for SDGs. This Scorecard will provide better platform to monitor and evaluate progress on the role of science in achieving the SDGs as well as to help to guide on how to incorporate SETI in their SDG related programme, projects, and activities.

Concept Note and Agenda
Concept Note

Contact Person:
Mr. Ardito M. Kodijat
Programme Officer for Disaster Risk Reduction and Tsunami Information Coordinator of Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre (IOTIC)